

Wenn Benutzer eines Trackingsystems den Mailempfang vollständig deaktivieren – ist dann der Einsatz überhaupt hilfreich und zielführend?

Von renke

IT-Ratte (oder Systemadministrator), hat nen neues Spielzeug gekriegt und wird die "Genese" des Servers hier bebloggen.

21 ist nur die halbe Wahrheit.

2 Antworten auf „Sinnfrage“

Each coin (medal) has two sides :):)

I like the approach of the IDE I use:
They have newsgroups (synched with their web-based forum), where community discusses the topics, bugs, desires, wishes, hopes etc *before* these reach the company’s tracking system. I suppose (w/o being an insider in that company) that this reduces the amount of issue duplicates, nonsense issues or issues which are no issues actually. E.g., many times in the newsgroup somebody asks if some problem with the product is reproducible by someone else and other people respond with workarounds or point the poor user where his own mistake is. That way no a nonsense issue goes to the tracker… and the product developers don’t receive nonsense email notifications….. The same is about the ideas for new features – many of them are first discussed in the forums/newsgroups and in the tracking system goes some mature description of what the community would like see in the next versions, and not a draft …. Other examples can be given, but with the same idea behind.

Sure, such an approach is not applicable everywhere … :(

My $0.02 :)
My 2 greetings! :):):)

my approach for the posting was of a slightly different point of view and more a question to myself: I’m more or less a newby in the company and tried in the last few months to modernize (or what I think „modernize“ means…) some processes with the idea to minimize the impromptu arrangements to more standardized ways.

In my opinion I never reached this scope or even saw an effect – in my next life I will become more like a teacher, so I can explain my ideas better, I fear that my struggle seems for my co-workers more like disposal than an effort to achieve an improvment ;)

(this was the blog entry with the „-v“-switch and my 2 Euro-Cents [~ $0,03])

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